Gerry's Blog



Found a leatherjacket while digging in the garden. Pardon my dirty finger, but it can give you an idea of the size.
Leatherjackets are the larvae of Crane Flies. Crane Flies look like giant mosquitoes and they can be a nuisance, but they mate and lay eggs that hatch into leatherjackets.
Leatherjackets can damage lawns by eating the roots and crowns of turf grass.

If you have any questions please email or call Turf King


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Got a note from a good customer


Good morning Gerry,

 The person who cuts my grass suggested I have my front lawn rolled, because of all the little bumps in the lawn she notices while  she's cutting it.  She said to make sure that it's done with a very heavy riding roller.

 Could you please arrange for me to have this done?

 Thank you,





We don't recommend rolling, especially with a heavy riding roller.

If you are cutting the lawn at 3" height, the look of the lawn is not affected by the little bumps in the lawn. In the distant past, when lawns were cut so much shorter, the little bumps and waves were much more noticeable. 

Rolling compacts the soil, which means that aeration is all that much more required. (Especially in areas where the soil is clay). Compaction hinders air and moisture penetration. This can cause pooling of water in low areas. 

Picture the difference in root structure. Grass has fine roots and prefers soil that is not too tight. Dandelions will grow in heavy clay or worse because they have such strong roots.

If the lawn is uneven, rolling is not going to make it less uneven. Rolling helps with frost heaving and small unevenness. If the dips are more than and inch or two, it is best to add soil into the low spots, adding seed if the old lawn is being covered by more than an inch of soil. 


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