Gerry's Blog



My lawn is thick and dense, but it still gets some weeds. How do weeds get into my lawn? 

Weeds will sprout up where the lawn is not dense enough to keep them out. That's why a thin lawn will have more weeds than a thin lawn. Today, I was on a lawn where a load of soil had been added last fall. The lawn had been seeded, but the new grass was still small and sparse. Most people realize that weeds will love those conditions.

Now at any given time, even in a thick healthy lawn, there will be a little bit of sunlight getting through here and there to the soil surface. The soil is full of weed seeds. When conditions are right for that particular seed it will germinate. Not all will reach the top of the lawn, some will die out from the competition from the grass blades.

I know this because I have seen how weeds will react in the vegetable garden. A mass of weed seed will germinate and start to grow. If I don't get around to weeding that patch, the weeds will continue to grow, However, I notice that only some of the original weeds will survive. The weaker seedlings cannot survive the competition from the stronger seedlings and die out.

Applying the Iron product to control weeds is usually easier than hand pulling. I do ask that you remember that not all weeds will be controlled. Most will need at least a couple of treatments to control them down to the roots.

Some hand pulling in conjunction with weed treatments is usually the best.

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